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Compress PDF to 20MB

Reduce your PDF file size to a maximum of 20MB while maintaining text and image clarity.

Upload your PDF to PDFQ and compress it to 20MB.

Effortless PDF Compression to 20MB

  • Compress to 20MB

    Reduce your PDF size to a maximum of 20MB, which is ideal for sharing and uploading large documents.

  • Secure and Private

    For confidentiality, your files are encrypted during processing and automatically deleted after compression.

  • Compress on Any Device

    Reduce your PDF size using any device—desktop, tablet, or smartphone. Our tool is compatible with all major operating systems and browsers.

  • Online Compression

    Compress PDFs directly in your browser without installing any software. Simply upload, process, and download within seconds.

  • Smart Compression Technology

    With our advanced algorithms, you can achieve a balance of reduced file size and preserved content quality.

  • Works with Any PDF Format

    Compress PDFs from reports, scanned documents, eBooks, and more while maintaining compatibility across platforms and devices.

how to

How to Compress a PDF to 20MB

Compress your PDF to 20MB without losing quality by following these simple steps.

  1. Upload Your PDF Drag and drop your PDF file into the tool to begin compression.
  2. Start Compression Allow the tool to process your file and reduce its size to meet the 20MB limit.
  3. Preview the File Review the compressed PDF to ensure quality and content remain intact.
  4. Save and Download Save your optimized PDF, now reduced to 20MB, and download it instantly.
Start Compressing

Why Use Our Tool to Compress Your PDFs?

PDFQ is ideal for users who need to reduce their large PDFs to a manageable file size for sharing, storage, or online submissions. The tool efficiently reduces file size while preserving critical text, visuals, and layout. It is fully web-based, requires no software installation, and is accessible from any device. For your privacy, all uploaded files are encrypted and deleted after processing.


Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, most PDFs can be reduced to 20MB while maintaining essential quality. Extremely large files may require further adjustments.
Yes, PDF ensures that text and images remain clear and professional after compression.
Absolutely. Your files are encrypted during processing, and all uploads are deleted immediately after compression.

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